[FMX] Actionscripted XML problem(s)

I’m new to XML in Actionscript - implementing and editing XML within Actionscript worked out swell - no problems so far…

but the some_xml[color=blue].send()[/color] seems to become a true nightmare!

Soit, here’s an example:

I made a little “keep-in-touch” maillinglist, where visitors can leave their adress, click the “send” button - and let the administrator view the list on a secure page. XML suits fine for this job, i think.

on (press, keyPress "<Enter>") {
mailInput_xml = new XML();
mailInput_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
mailInput_xml.onLoad = function(success) {
		if (success) {
menuItem = this.firstChild.childNodes;
input = 'mail adress="' + _root.mailInput.text + '"';
_root.mailInput.text = "THANK YOU!"
_root.mailInput.text = "PLEASE TRY AGAIN"

[color=blue]trace()[/color] looked fine, the code puts the adress just where i want it to be, but the mailInput_xml[color=blue].send(‘Email.xml’)[/color] seems to be dead and smelly.

You can view the site (in construction version) at http://www.fabula-rasa.be

P.l.e.a.s.e. help me out here, it’s propably just something stupid i forgot…
(And yes, I tested it online, to be sure…)