(Fmx) anyone know how this site's been done?

i wonder if anyone could tell me how the site www.sarahwhatmore.com has been constructed.

i understand the menu movement, but not the docking of the menu on page changes and the smooth transition between pages.

if anyone does know how this is done, do you also know of a tutorial on the methods used?

thank you in anticipation

I’m not sure I see what you mean by “the docking of the menu”, but the transitions are quite simple I think: it’s just a simple mask effect. What do you want to know exactly?

pom :cowboy:

sorry, i probably wasn’t explaining myself very well.
it’s the way the menu position changes for each page…very smoothly. it’s one of those things i can’t seem to get my head round.
if the pages are loaded movies, and the menu is on level 0…how does the menu move to each location so smoothly regardless of what the last page visited is?
would it be actionscript specifying an X position for the menus final position?

does this make any sense??


All right, I think you want to read the easing tutorials Lost did some time ago.


pom :phil:

thank you very much, the tutorial looks great, just what i’m after.

