[FMX AS] Help needed 2 assign points 2 objects, and calculator 2 add up diff. scores

Hi all. First, let me say that I am a new to the world of Action Script. I am teaching myself using help files etc., but I have a question to ask concerning a ‘Drag n drop’ type game that I want to make. The game involves dressing a human figure with different items of clothing which each have certain point values attached to them. When the user has the clothing combination that they want, they press a button that triggers the action script to calculate the total of the points (from the clothes used). I am struggling to assign points to the different items of clothing, and have no clue how to write script that calculates (and shows the results) of the combination.
I know this is must be pathetically simple for all ye advanced Flash people, but I’m a beginner, just trying to work my way up (slowly :slight_smile: ).
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time