[FMX] AS LoadMovie Revisited

Hello to everyone. Long time listener, first time caller.

I preface this with the disclaimer that I’m new to flash and actionscript and I’ve read the tutorials on this site and others regarding depths, levels, this, and loadmovie.

I have a problem with scope I believe in some AS while using the loadmovie() function. I am loading multiple instances (5) of the the same .swf on _level0 of my main movieclip using createEmptyMovieClip and LoadMovie. When I play the main MC the loaded swfs complete thier initial animation but do not respond to onrollover events.

Here’s the AS for the main MC:

movieclip.prototype.scaleMC = function (scl) {
this._xscale = scl;
this._yscale = scl;
createEmptyMovieClip(“menuItem1”, 1);
menuItem1.loadMovie(“menuItem.swf”, 0);
menuItem1._x = -120;
menuItem1._y = 0;
createEmptyMovieClip(“menuItem2”, 2);
menuItem2.loadMovie(“menuItem.swf”, 0);
menuItem2._x = -60;
menuItem2._y = -5;
createEmptyMovieClip(“menuItem3”, 3);
menuItem3.loadMovie(“menuItem.swf”, 0);
menuItem3._x = 0;
menuItem3._y = -10;
createEmptyMovieClip(“menuItem4”, 4);
menuItem4.loadMovie(“menuItem.swf”, 0);
menuItem4._x = 60;
menuItem4._y = -15;
createEmptyMovieClip(“menuItem5”, 5);
menuItem5.loadMovie(“menuItem.swf”, 0);
menuItem5._x = 120;
menuItem5._y = -20;

Here’s the AS for the loaded MC:

MovieClip.prototype.EaseY = function(y_target) {
var a, t, y_value, b, acc, drag, vx, vy;
a = 15;
t = 100;
b = 1.6;
y_value = this._y;
acc = 5;
drag = false;
this.onenterframe = function() {
y_value += vy;
vy = (vy+((y_target-y_value)/acc))/b;
if (this._y=y_target) {
this._y = y_value;
MovieClip.prototype.EaseYRef = function(y_target) {
var a, t, y_value, b, acc, drag, vx, vy;
a = 15;
t = 100;
b = 1.6;
y_value = this._y;
acc = 5;
drag = false;
this.onenterframe = function() {
y_value += vy;
vy = (vy+((y_target-y_value)/acc))/b;
if (this._y=y_target) {
this._y = y_value;
MovieClip.prototype.shadow = function(y_pos, ref_pos) {
this.onrollOver = function() {
adjY = mass._y-25;
adjYref = massref._y+25;
this.onrollout = function() {

I know it has to do with the scope of the onrollover function and onrollout function but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Can someone please help?

Thank you!