Alright, im still new to flash and i’ve been tryin to make a basic shooting game (like galaxian, but a whole lot simpler…)
What i’ve gotten so far is the ship, the bullet, and the rock, they’re all fully functional. I have the bullet movieClip to duplicate with a new number (n) attached to it. But i cant figure out how to get the hitTest to work when the rock hits ANY ONE of the bullet movie clips… :-\
Ive gotten it to work by just duplicating the bullet movie clip with “2” on the end and it works, but that only allows for one bullet. . . I have a feeling that im messin up with my hitTest on the rock. . . If you know of way to help it’d be GREAT. Thx
here’s the duplicateMC code:
on (press, keyPress"<Space>") {
ship_x = getProperty("/ship",_x);
ship_y = getProperty("/ship",_y);
duplicateMovieClip("/laser","laser" add n,n);
setProperty("/laser" add n, _x, ship_x);
setProperty("/laser" add n, _y, ship_y);