I’ve searched the forums and can’t find a suitable answer to what ails me so here goes.
I have two dynamic text boxes, each text box has its own scrollers. I have 4 buttons (currenly only one does something) to load text into the text boxes. I got one of them working, problem is the 2nd one…the font size is not right and it wont scroll. I’ve tried everything and nothing works.
I think I’m (still) too much of a newb to help with this one. I couldn’t get any of your scrollers to work for me. When loading dynamic text, I have used the FUI component (easy way out).
That tut is here: http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/dynamic_scroller.htm
You know, I deleted and forgot to check when I was looking at it, but are your buttons going to the second frame? 'Cause your first frames are stop(); actions. Other that that, dunno.
Also…I put the file on my server:
When I tested the movie locally, there was space between each line in the bottom text box, but on the server there is no space between each line…what gives? And whats up with the difference in font characteristics (like the size) when both dynamic boxes have the same settings? What am I doing wrong?
This is really starting to get aggravating. The Bottom box of the two works fine, no problems. The top one won’t scroll, and it has the font size all wrong. Whats the deal? Does MX not like multiple dynamic text boxes using external text files?
Both text boxes are the same, minus variable names and whatnot. Why is the top one not scrolling!!! and why is the font size all jacked. Both of them have the same settings, whats the deal!!! I hate leaving problems like this alone, and I should have gone to bed hours ago…I’m at a complete loss…somebody, anybody…