[FMX] File Size Question

I am wondering if it would be smaller (or even possible since I am new at this) to make a 4 frame animation out of 2 images and simply flip the two images to make up the two frames with actionscript, or would just doing that manually be best?


Don’t bother. Once a clip is in the library, putting it once or 1000 times doesn’t change the size of the swf (well, of course it does, but not much).

pom :skull:

So if I had a Flash movie with just two graphic symbols in it, then used actionscript to play through them it owuld be smaller than having 4 graphic symbols.

Not if the last 2 symbols are just the first 2 flipped horizontally (or vertically, I never know).

Ahhh… Finally hit home what you were saying :slight_smile:

Just halfed my animations file size… not that I suppose it matters… From 2.1k to 1.1k… its a small file anyways… But I learned something!

Thanks :slight_smile:

PS: Here it is, silly really but shrug
<embed src=http://tears.ws/flash/bmdance.swf height=50 width=42 type=application/x-shockwave-flash></embed>

Nice :phil: