(FMX)help with geturl from txt file

Have made an animated cartoon that will be an intro for someone’s site. I want to link a button in it, to go to the (html) website by using a url in a txt file since the site owner won’t have the fla file if this is ever changed.
I vaguely know how this is done but need some specifics of how to write everything… thanks

do a search of the forums for: “loadVariables Text File”

I have been search for over an hour now and still cant find this. Thats why I asked the question.


4 seconds of searching and that is your answer. Its not the exact thing that you will need but I am not going to spoon-feed you information. I have given you a push in the right direction, now its up to you to figure out the rest and ask quesitons if you have trouble.

No. It is Way off from what I was looking for, and what a rude answer!

What is this place? ???
Is this forum not entitled HELP???

Why would you even bother answering to a post if you dont want to help them. …? what is this some secret society that can’t give away any coding?
I went to Flashkit and got an straight answer posted right away that works!