[FMX] hit test goto and play

Allo again,

:tie: i have the following code setup so that when MC1 hits MC2 the first MC plays the rest of its scene, in this case an explosion. the problem is that the clip doesnt play until after MC1 has moved so it isnt touching MC2. heres the code so far

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.ship, hitTest(_root.l6)) {
_root.ship.gotoAndPlay( 2 );

can anyone add ne thing to this to help. a link 2 a useful tutorial or sumthing? please.

I hope ive explained myself clear enough 4 u 2 understand wat im gettin at.

how embarrasing, a house full of condiments and no real food

:tie: Help, someone please, help :goatee:

heres the .fla

its a bit on the rusty side as this is only a prototype for the original, hope someone can help please, no one answers my posts… :-\ :frowning: am turning into a flash cyborg :cyborg: please help!

Death is fine, give me mine.

could this be changed or added s that if the movie is already playing, dont gotoAndPlay frame 2

Heres wat ive got so far:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
// hit test for ground
if (_root.ship, hitTest(_root.l1)) {
this._y = 448;

i thought that maybe an ‘!’ exclamation mark could be used as a boolean. any help? im probably doing this all wrong.:hair: :pirate:

Pain, made to order.

someone?? please?

does no1 no the answer? or even a tutorial link that wood help?

Please? :*(

Get out of my head cuz i dont need this, why didnt i see this.