FMX: keyboard functions(if thats what u can call it)

Hey all, I’ve run into a problem. I saw this animation on a website somewhere where there were letters floating around and when u press a particular letter or symbol on ur keyboard that particular letter would animate itself onscreen. ive decided to try to work on it myself seeing as i don’t know how it was done. i was thinking of using key.getascii or adding a listener of some sort to say well this key is pressed so run the tween or whatever for that movieclips particular timeline. however i don’t know what to do in order to use this function to attain that particular result. could someone help me out. tell me if im goin about it the wrong way with the key.getascii or the listner. thanx

It’s all in the AS dictionary. All you have to do is try it:

	trace("getCode: "+Key.getCode());
	trace("getAscii: "+Key.getAscii());
	trace (String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()));

pom :slight_smile: