Here is another one for you guys…
Do you know if there is a trigger that can be called when the user close an swf (for example, if he close its browser while a swf was playing) ?
thanks for your help.
Here is another one for you guys…
Do you know if there is a trigger that can be called when the user close an swf (for example, if he close its browser while a swf was playing) ?
thanks for your help.
Not that I know of. Sorry. In Javascript there is, but if you ask me, the person closed the window for a reason, nothing should happen after that. Just my 2 cents (even though you didn’t ask, sorry).
That’s not for launching an advertising popup but for sending data to php (like “your last session last ‘x’ minutes”).
Ok, well that is fair. I know this method works in Later versions of Netscape (not sure when it started) and in IE, but the onUnload command sounds like what you need and is done with JS.
function closedWin(){
alert("window closed");
Insert that between your <HEAD></HEAD> tags.
Now add to your body tag an onUnload…
<BODY onUnload=“closedWin();”>
This will launch and alert when the window is closed, but instead of launching an alert, if you can, have it send whatever info you need. I don’t know much PHP, so I can’t help you with that.
hey thanks ! I’m gonna give it a try.
No problem, I hope it works out :beam:
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