I have a mail form in Flash. The problem I have is with the message field. When receiving a mail, all the text of the message is in one big line,without breaks, full stops etc. What is the problem? Here is the PHP script:
$Email = $HTTP_POST_VARS["Email"];
$Name = $HTTP_POST_VARS["Name"];
$ToEmail = $HTTP_POST_VARS["ToEmail"];
$Subject = $HTTP_POST_VARS["Subject"];
$Message = $HTTP_POST_VARS["Message"];
$EmailBody = "
You have received an email from:
Name: $Name
Email: $Email
Message Sent:
mail($ToName." <".$ToEmail.">",$Subject, $EmailBody, "From: ".$Name." <".$Email.">");
Print "&_root.content_enquiry.email.Status=Complete - Your mail has been sent&";
Is there somebody who sees what I am doing wrong?
Thans in advance,