no = i = 0;
while (i<10) {
no = 100 + i;
setProperty(“1”, _xscale, no);
setProperty(“1”, _yscale, no);
setProperty(“1”, _alpha, (80 + i));
no = i = 0;
while (i<10){
no = 110 - i;
setProperty(“1”, _xscale, no);
setProperty(“1”, _yscale, no);
setProperty(“1”, _alpha, (90 - i));
i wrote that for one of the buttons but it wont work!!
-it skips all in between, at first its i=0 and then i=10, nothing in between, i can’t make it to change slowly!
PLZ help!
It uses the easing equation to create a function, then that function is called on rollOver and on rollOut of the myButton instance name. The first parameter is the width, the second parameter is the height, and the third parameter is the speed.
Hawk: You might have to further research if you don’t know the different between a prototype function and a standard function. There is a major difference between them and I am not that great at explaining things so I am not really the guy to do it.
I am glad my post helped you to better understand the use of prototypes though
You have to put the actions on a frame on the timeline that contains the movie clips you are targetting.
The errors it is giving you is because you are trying to put it on the movie clip directly, you can’t do that. And you can’t put the actions inside the movie clip itself because that will mess up the targetting. So you should put them on the timeline that contains the movie clip symbols you are using for buttons.
A) Are exporting your movie as Flash 5 (by either using Flash 5, or if you are using MX then go to File/Publish Settings and check the Flash tab to see what your exporting as)
B) Are still putting the code on the movie clip symbol. The code is meant to go on a frame not a symbol.