[FMX] Need help with actionscript movie clip tweening

Here is my fla http://www.visualscientists.com/jesse/test1.fla

Basically I have 3 movie clips that I’m tweening with movie clip tweening prototypes. The tweening is working a looking great. I highly recommend the extensions.

The problem I am having though is controlling when the movie clips should animate. Basically I want a square to get big if it is small. But only one square can be big at a time. If it’s already big and you click on another square then the big square gets small and the one you clicked on will get big. Any suggestions on how to do this?

Here is a link to the swf just so you can see what I’ve done so far: http://www.visualscientists.com/jesse/test1.html

I did this with if else statements, but I assume this probably isn’t the best way to control it.
