FMX - on (release) preloaders..? Help!

Hey all,

I used the great kirupa tutorial for full flash sites. </shameless flattering> When i click my news button it loads, well the news page, duh, but my problem is that my news page is starting to get quite large and i would love it if i could get a little loading animation (which i shall make) while the page was being loaded.

Here is the simple actionscript -

on (release) {

When i click the button it loads my main page, but when its online i have to wait quite a long time as the file is getting large. What action script do i need to add to have it play a small preloader.swf file while it loads the main news.swf file. I know there are preloader tutorials on kirupa here (they are qutie good ^^) but i need one that works with the on (release) command.

Thanks for your help everyone!!

I don’t think the news.swf is your pb, your problem is the text that needs to be loaded in the news.swf. For that you have to check if the variables have been loaded. Until they aren’t you just play a MCm when the vars are loaded you display them and turn invisibility to that mc. That’s my ideea :slight_smile:

Thanks mate, but could you give me the actionscript? Im new to flash heh and i dont relly have any idea how to do that… Thanks again.