FMX Preloader... is it possible?

Dear all,
Hi, my question is about the preloader in FMX.

Is it possible the create a preloader to load 1/4 of my movie and then start playing, the remaining will still load in the background?

My movie has 2000 frames. And I wanted the prelaoder to load 500 frames and then start playing…mean while the balance of 1500 frames will still load in the background.
And I wanted to use the percentage bar preloader. The visitor will see the preloader bar loads to 100%, then the movie starts. but the actual loaded movie is only 25%.

Is that possilbe???

Thanks you!

yes it is possible

it would be:

if (_root._framesloaded >= 500){ ();

put this in an emptymovieclip

oh yah, put it in an enterFrame handler,
this should work

Yes, but be careful, this may cause lagging in your movie due to the fact that it is still loading.