[FMX] preloader question

Hello people

First (sorry for my bad english), (i’m dutch :slight_smile: )

I have a question, I want to make a sort of preloader like
the one on http://purepulse.co.kr/

For example, i have an animation (movieclip? “100 frames”) 0 till 10 % is loaded shows just frame 1 till 10 of the animation,
11 till 20 % is loaded shows frame 11 till 20 of the animation, and so on, and so on.

My actionscript is not that good (bad). I’m working on it.

Can someone teel me how to make such a preloader, are there any tut’s of fla’s ? (i couldn’t find any)

I hope you can help me,

Greetz Keon

what make a movie clip last the length of the preload

i wish i had that script


put your 100 frame movieclip on the stage… put this script on it. As you can se I have a textbox showing the percentage.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
framesLoaded = (Math.ceil (( _parent.getBytesLoaded() / _parent.getBytesTotal()) * 100));
gotoAndStop (framesLoaded);
info.text = framesLoaded + “% completed”;
if (framesLoaded >= 90) {
_root.gotoAndPlay (2);

nice one

i just tested it and it really works (not to be rude)

this is great:beam:


Yup, it really works!
thnx for sharing!!

Greetz Keon

No problemos guys :slight_smile:

rock on

what did you mean when you said you made a text box

i don’t get what you did

ahh… sorry… my english isn’t that good. I meant that in the 100 frame movie I have an textbox which also runs over the 100 frames. This textbox I call info and it shows how much there is left to load… ex 34%… 45%… and so on. Hope this is a answer to you question. If not… just ask me again :slight_smile:

yeah, yeah that got it

i just thought you ment you add the action to a text box but i tried that and it did not work :slight_smile:

he he… Im not that crazy :slight_smile: