Howdy, wanted to make my preloader move with ease. How could I make my load bar mc move with ease to a percent? Will this make the preloader not accurate? Any ideas or links would be great.
Btw here is the code I have
bytes_loaded = Math.round(this.getBytesLoaded());
bytes_total = Math.round(this.getBytesTotal());
getPercent = bytes_loaded/bytes_total;
this.loadBar._width = getPercent*100; // how can I change this to move my loadBar mc with ease?
this.loadText = Math.round(getPercent*100)+"%";
if (bytes_loaded == bytes_total) {
this code makes the loadBar move smoothly, however, it shoots way off to the right side of the screen, and that won’t fly… im not great at interpretating AS, and i tried to follow the directions in this thread, but apparently, they are not clear enough… whats the deal??
Also, it makes people like us feel stupid when we ask for help and get met with answers like, “you really dont need a FLA” If we really didn’t need a FLA, we probably wouldn’t ask for one…
Im still trying to figure this out by trial and error, but im getting really frustrated…