Once, I wanted to make a large RPG-game. I wanted it to be like
Zelda, Diablo2 style of RPG with much Hack-and-Slash but also a
little quests and a big world to explore. (a BIG game)
A game needs to be programmed, so I had to choose a programming
language. I chose Flash, because its easy to make graphics in it, and
its not that hard, i thought.
The game was planned to be a stand-alone-application that
you could have on your computer and play whenever you wanted to.
Much like any other game. But, this was not something I thought of in
the beginning, games you make in Flash usually is web-games, right?
But this RPG I wanted to make was not an online-game, and I didn’t want it
to be either, because it would be to big to download everytime you
wanted to play it.
A RPG-game needs a save game/load game function. But Flash cannot
write to external files! This was terrible! Now, its a great safety protection
to make flash files not write bad things into your computer. But I need it
in order to save my games!
There is this way, that flash can load variables from external text files. But is
there some way that I dont know about to make it save there to?
One way is to make the player manually copy a mass of code (variables) from a window in the game, into the textfile. But that’s rather boring, and tiresome.
My question:
** Does anyone know a way to write from flash to a textfile?**
I know theese other two ways of “saving”.
- Using cookies to save and load.
- Using an online database of some sort to store/load variables.
But they’re for online flash applications only… So I’d rather not use them.
I appriciate all the help I can get!