Hi folks…
I have a movieclip which i want to gradually come into focus(vary the _alpha value) on mouseover and fade away on mouseout.
I am new to actionscript.
can anyone help.
this is my code assigned for the movieclip…
but nothing seems to happen on mouseover.
Ok, to make this work you need to apply the button code to a movie clip. Yes, in MX this is luckily possible (I love this feature).
Ok, now you want to apply this code to the movie clip…
on (rollOver) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._alpha -= 5;
if (this._alpha<=0) {
this._alpha = 0;
on (rollOut) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._alpha += 5;
if (this._alpha>=100) {
this._alpha = 100;
That tells it that when you rollover the alpha should keep decreasing by 5 until it hits 0.
Then when you rollout the alpha should increase by 5 until it gets back to 100.
Why we did this on a movie clip: The onEnterFrame feature is what allows it to gradually fade. A simple rollOver function would only do the process once everytime you rolled over the button instance.
Thanks a ton…
U have been so helpful in many instances…
Knowing something is different than sharing it to many,…
and u have been a great source of such stuff…
pls keep up this good work…