FMX sliding windows tutorial help

I must stress before I start that I am very new to flash and actionscripts.

I have just completed the sliding window tutorial on this site. I am wanting to use it for my own site. My problem is that when I scale everything by 500% and make my movie bigger, the windows don’t scroll the same. I understand that I have to change the values in the script on the invisible buttons but I don’t know what to use. I tried putting in numbers in by trial and error but I can’t get them all working.

Could you please tell me what values I should use, or better, give me a formula so I can put more or less images in.


since you are new to Flash you will that tutorial a little difficult to comprehend since it involves intermediate level scripting.

I am attaching a simpler file that will achieve the same end.

If you take a look at the file, there are four buttons that correspond to four pieces of square inside a movie clip. These sqaure can ba changed to anything: images, site section, etc.

just remember that the number of buttons must be equal to the number of content entries. Also make sure that the sqaure would have the same sizes. the script on the movie clip is the one that controls the movement. You can also add a _y version to control the _y position. the size of the square determines and values that must be used in movie to the new position.

Go on and experiment. I recommend that you buy a Flash book and continue reading the tuts even if you think you know them already.

Here’s the file