ok so this code…
onClipEvent( enterFrame) {
if (this._alpha > 0 ) {
this._alpha -= 5;
} else if (this._alpha < 100 ) {
this._alpha += 100;
How would I make this code increase the alpha back to 100 instead of just “changing” it to 100 in one frame ?
I’m confused. :-\
What are you trying to do exactly? Have it fade back and forth in and out?
To do the code snippets you need to put [ CODE ] in front of the code and [ /CODE ] at the end of the code.
Remove the spaces, I didn’t want the board to convert that text…haha.
yep i want it to fade in and out. 
YAY!!! )@#($)(@#)$*(@#$(# I"M HAPPY!!! 
I got it all bymyself !!
onClipEvent(load) {
alpha = 5;
onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
this._alpha -= alpha;
if (this._alpha >= 100 ) {
alpha = -alpha;
} else if ( this._alpha <=0 ) {
alpha = -alpha;