[FMX] String to Array


(Using Flash MX)

I’m wondering if theres a way I can turn a variable of strings (separated by commas) into an array?

I’m using the loadVars object to import variables from a text file that I’d like to import to flash as an array.

For example if the variable I import from the text file looks like this:


I’d like to get it into an array in Flash like this

myArray = new Array[“charlie”,“dog”,“cat”,“test”];

Is there any way to do that? :rocker:


You will need the asfunction to load the movies from the text links.
Check this:

caludio - thanks thats just what I needed.

One problem though, I’m using the comma (",") as my delimiter for splitting the variable that I’m importing and when the comma shows up in this line of code:

&cats=<a href='asfunction:listing,adv'>Advertising Agencies</a>

It cuts off the asfunction - function and argument and just plain out messes up my string.

Is there another delimiter I can use besides a comma, a white space or a tab?

You can use any symbol.

I have a better idea. It would be better to use XML, but heres an optimized version:

function loadClip(arg) {
	var temp = arg.split("|");
	loadMovie(temp[0], temp[1]);
l = new LoadVars();
l.onLoad = function(success) {
	if (success) {
		my_txt.html = true;
		var myArray = this.myVar.split(",");
		for (var i = 0; i<myArray.length; ++i) {
			var parameters = myArray*.split("|");
			my_txt.htmlText += "<b><font size='14'><a href='asfunction:loadClip,"+parameters[0]+".swf|"+parameters[1]+"'>"+parameters[0]+"</a></font></b>

and your textfile should hold the file name and the corresponding container movieclip:


Alright I’m using the # sign and that works fine.

Now I have another question :jail:

The items in the array I’m importing now look like this:

<a href='asfunction:listing,0'>Advertising Agencies</a>

I’d like to somehow turn this item from my array back into a variable without the HTML tags around it so it will just look like

Advertising Agencines

And then I’d like to break that down into just a 4 letter variable starting with the first 4 characters


I know that I can use split() on the string as well as toLowerCase() on the last two items, but how can I get rid of the HTML Tag first off?



Thanks for your ideas they are really helping me. I owe you 2.


welcome foo :wink: