[FMX] Unable to select movie clip

i have created a project but was unable to select the previous movie clip if i duplicate it?this is my project link http://www.picassocoffee.com/wireclick.swfthis is my code:var mySelection = “”;//Global declarationvar totalmc = 0;wire.onPress = function (){ this.createEmptyMovieClip([“mc”+totalmc], this.getNextHighestDepth()); //Create a newMovieClip with variable name “mc1"” duplicate(mc); //trace([“mc”+totalmc]); mc = attachMovie(“idwire”, [“wire”+totalmc++], this.getNextHighestDepth()); //store the Movie into mc1 by attaching mc._x = 273;//(Stage.width - mc1._width)/2; mc._y = 196.5;//(Stage.height - mc1._height)/2; //setting the corrdinates for x and y axis dragging(mc); //calling the dragging function //trace(mc1._x +","+ mc1._y); //trace(mc1._width +","+ mc1._height); }//Function for draggingfunction dragging(mc){ mc.onPress = function() { this.startDrag(true); mySelection = this; } mc.onRelease = mc.onReleaseOutside = function() { stopDrag(); }}//Function for getting nxt highest depthfunction getNextHighestDepth(mc){ var a = 0; a++; return a;}function duplicate(mc) { mc.duplicateMovieClip ([“mc”+i], i); i++; //trace(“mc”+i); //trace(x); }//Btn function for flippingflip.onRelease = function() { mySelection._rotation += 10; }//Btn function for deletedel.onRelease = function() { mySelection.removeMovieClip();}