Does anybody know a way to move through different scenes using movieclips? As far as I know, you have to use gotoAndPlay(scene, frame) on a button.
Does anybody know a way to move through different scenes using movieclips? As far as I know, you have to use gotoAndPlay(scene, frame) on a button.
I don’t understand your question… what are these “scenes” you talk about?
Lol, you could just place that same action on a frame somewhere inside the Movie Clip.
Oh and try not to use scenes .
Edit: I forgot to mention that if you’re going to place the Script inside a Movie Clip, remember to identify the level… your script would look like this:[AS]**_root.**gotoAndPlay(“frameLabel”);[/AS]
I hate to be a troublemaker,
and I know this might sound silly,
It doesn’t work on movieclips.
I use the same simple code line gotoAndPlay(“scene 2”, 1), both in a movieclip, and in a button. the movieclip simply doesn’t work. when trying to add _root it doesn’t work for either one.
The reason I need to move to another scene from a movieclip, is that I have to do it from whithin an onEnterFrame.
and what’s wrong with scenes, anyway?
thanks a lot!
Hmmm, post your script the exact way it looks in your movie?
Oh yeah, scenes, ask anyone here and they’ll tell you the same thing… don’t use them! :lol:
here we go.
please, someone, anyone, this is driving me crazy…
Still no solution?
Please try to give it a look…
Save it for FlashMX, not 2004.
here it is.
Okay, here you go.
What I did was I placed the actions (function) on the frame instead of the movie clip:[AS]movie.onPress = function() {
gotoAndPlay(“Scene 2”);
};[/AS]movie is the Instance Name of the Movie Clip.
One more thing… if you’re going to use scenes :sigh:, use Frame Labels to target them, actually you should use Labels no matter what .
That worked graet for me. thank you.
How did scenes get such a bad rep?
You can’t depend on them… Flash can sometimes get mixed up with all those numbers (frames, scenes), which is why it’s better to use Frame Labels.
And you’re welcome. :}
Also isn’t there more functionality available for movie clips vs. scenes?
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