[FMX] variable name problem

Here’s what I need…

a for loop that iterates through an array, and for each item in the array, creates a new variable…

someObject = new Object();
for (i=0;i<theArray.length;i++){
	 // here's where i need help...
	 someObject.newProperty_i = theArray*;

basically, after the loop completes I want someObject to have newProperty_0, newProperty_1, … newProperty_i. I’ve tried using addProperty(), but I’m not quite clever enough to figure out what to make the getFunction.

for (i=0;i<theArray.length;i++){
	theGetFunction = new Function(){
		 return theArray*;
someObject.addProperty("newProperty_"+i, theGetFunction, null);
// valid code to make a new property (read-only)
// unfortunately, it doesn't perform the way I want it to

As I said, it is valid code, but as it stands, all the newProperty_ variables all output whatever theArray* is (after the loop has executed), instead of outputting what theArray* WAS when I attached the property…

I’ve been banging my head against the wall here. I know there’s someone out there with a simple and elegant solution. HELP!