[FMX04]Need help with Tab key

I’m having an odd issue with something I’ve done before but for some reason it’s not working now.

I have a movieclip on the root timeline with an input text field in it. I set focus on that textfield and the user is supposed to type something. then when they press the Tab key a button off stage checks to see what text is in the field then goes to another place on the timeline based on what it sees.

I remember it being pretty simple. In fact I have 2 files open. It works in one which is an old file I created years ago, but not in the new file.

Here’s my code on the button

on(keyPress “<Tab>”){
if(epis.text == “fred”){
}else if(epis.text != “fred”){

When I run my file it doesn’t do anything. I’ve verified field names and labels but nothing. When I run it using ctrl + enter it just starts hilighting stuff on the stage when I press the tab key.

Once again, the old file works fine.

Can anyone let me know what I’m missing here…I’m kind of in a hurry.

Thank you