
Hey guys, just like to say this site’s awsome, well done Kirupa!

Now here’s my question, I’ve checked out the main site, but I’m having trouble finding something. I probably haven’t looked hard enough, or I’m simply to impatient…

Hell, it could be both =D

All I want to do is create a little, not-so-well done game. All I want to know how to do is make a game where if you press up, you go up, and you fall down if you don’t press up. Kinda like a jetpack… =/

Anyway, what I want to know is if I do it in an actionscript only document, or if I make a regular flash document. I’ve taken a look at one of the links on the main site, but it left out the part about the image. Like… argh this is hard to explain.

I want to make a game, something small. 400w x 100h for example.
I want the character to be a stick figure (which I can draw)

What I don’t know what to do is assign the script or whatever. I’m so friggen confused!

An example of what I want to do would be the helicopter game, on addictinggames.com, minus the sidescrolling. And in the place of the mouse, it would be the arrow keys.

Can anyone help me?

PS: Sorry if I lost you on the second sentance.