[FMX2004] Scrolling background tweaks

hi all,

I’m working on a website that is kind of set up a bit like a flash game. the background scrolls continuously with the movement of your mouse, and loops to make it appear seamless. my problem is with the quality… it seems to skip or jump a little when it moves, and I am trying to get it as smooth as possible.

the source file is here: http://www.zaceman.com/scrollmenu1.fla

you can just export it to see what I am talking about. what can I do to make it not so jumpy? are there settings I can adjust, or does anyone have any other code variations that would improve on mine?

I really appreciate any advice or help. thanks in advance!

I had the same problem for awhile, but figured a cheesy, yet ultimately fine workaround.

In your layout program, take the width of your stage and duplicate the first part of the image. Place the duplicate on the opposite end and voila! Whenever the end of the original picture reaches the end of the stage, start it from _x = 0 again.

How’s that for convoluted?

i can’t get the .fla to upload because it’s too big, but here’s the .swf

thanks for the reply…

I’ll have to try your version, since it might simplify things and help it run quicker. but I’m noticing the same ‘problem’ on your swf, too… I just haven’t seen a scrolling background that looks really smooth. I’ve tried playing around with sizes, fps, everything, and nothing seems to help it. that’s why I was hoping to try a new code… but it seems that no matter which you use, it’s still going to be a little jumpy. :confused: frusterating.

it’s true
and sometimes swf is working nice but in browser it always slows down

try with vector works maybe it will be normal