Focus not focusing so keys work, and yellow box still there

I’m using a keyboard event listener to move a sprite around, however, I have to click on the stage before the keys work. I’m even giving focus to the sprite that is supposed to move and telling flash not to use the yellow box. However, the box shows up around the sprite until I click anywhere on the stage.

public function activate_photo():void {
            stage.focus = photoContainer;
            stage.stageFocusRect = false;
            stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onPhotoKeyClick);

private function onPhotoKeyClick(evt:KeyboardEvent):void {
            case left :
                photoContainer.x -= 1;
            case right :
                photoContainer.x += 1;
            case up :
                photoContainer.y -= 1;
            case down :
                photoContainer.y += 1;