Follow Kennybellew tuts, still cant get it working

Hey, I have tried putting together an simple audio player by following the tutorials, but cant get it to work right. The song starts when it has finished streaming alittle of the mp3, and the off/pause button works, but I cant get it to start/play again from the pause position…

Can anyone help?

Heres the AS:

 //Load myMusic, load mp3
myMusic = new Sound(myMusicMc);
myMusic.loadSound("****_the_world.mp3", true);
playing = true;
myMusic.onSoundComplete = function() { 
trace("MyMusic has completed");
playing = true;
//Hiding Play button
play_btn._visible = 0;
//Controlls; on/start, pause/off
play_btn.onRelease = function() {
if (playing != true) {
playing = true;
pause_btn._visible = 1;
play_btn._visible = 0
trace ("Play button pressed")
myMusic.start(myMusicPosition, 0);
pause_btn.onRelease = function() {
if (playing = true) {
playing = false;
pause_btn._visible = 0
play_btn._visible = 1
trace ("Pause/off button pressed");
myMusicPosition = myMusic.position/1000;

I know the as may be set up alittle clumsy, but not an great actionscripter…
