Fonts For Flash

Hello everyone,

Any warnings, comments or tips
before I buy a font from FontsForFlash ?

Any of the above would be appreciated!


before you buy … you might check out some of the free sites for fonts. it really depends on the font you’re looking for. is pretty good.

just do a search for free fonts … you’ll get a lot.

unless just has a gorgeous one that you’re in love with. as far as i know there is nothing you should be aware of

good luck

let us know here if you have any problems with them so we can all be aware in the future =)

Hey Shuga,

Thanks for the tip! :beam:
Great font site!

I’m looking for a crisp/small font for my Website.
It needs to be in dynamic mode since I’m using
a scrollBar. If the text were in static, the scrollBar
would make the processor work to much. :crazy:

Arial, verdana or georgia are not to good looking
in dynamic mode. And I’ve tried Georgia but it
doesn’t show properly with a Macintoch.
If I look at my movie with a Mac, some text lines
don’t show the good color or type.
God knows why… :sigh:

I’ll keep you updated! :slight_smile:

Muchos Gracias! 8]


You might also take a look at these, there are some good small fonts here that work great in flash

Hey Sorcerer,

Thanks! Great site! :beam:
