Fonts - I have searched high and low for

I have searched high and low for a font called Mini Caps. I really need it. Electron geek told me that it is a great font for flash.

Does anyone have any ideas?

thanks a lot…trying to help you made my computer crash. weird things tend to happen when i mess with my windows/fonts folder.

anyway, i couldn’t find the one you were talking about, but i could recommend one to you. There is a particular favorite of mine called “BankGothic”, that’s all caps.

LOL. Thanks, i will try that font out.

BTW, i am wondering why my font looks so crappy. Its blury, i followed the tut here, and its still blury. Im about to give up:(

yup, i tried to fix the font, and it looks crappy. I tried mostly everything, and it is still bad. :frowning:

Bank Gothic won’t work well in Flash at smaller sizes <14 because flash anti-aliases all True Type/Post Script text. What you need is a bitmap font. Try searching Google for bitmap fonts and you can get some acceptable free ones there. If you are serious about flash I recomend visiting They have a wide variety of bitmap fonts in serif, sans serif, transitional, symbol, pretty much anythign you need. They also have some pretty slick freebies up there. Hope this helps you.

If you want Bankgothic I found it free here

Great site, great fonts!!

Thanks fester