
I have a dynamic text field in my movie, and fonts look grate on my machine, but if somebody starts my swf on other machine that doesn’t have my font flash changes the font with the other one.
what I must do so other people can see my font in the dynamic text field.
:frowning: :frowning: :-\


I want for my fonts to be clear an crisp.

You must embed your font into your flash file.

If your working with Flash 5, this might help you.

Embedding Fonts

In Flash MX, i could not find the embed font button - looks like: […] . Perhaps it does this automatically in MX… :slight_smile:

Since you posted in Actionscript Forum, then i assume you want the actionscript way, though it will only work on Flash MX:

myTextField.embedFonts = true;

Insert this code on your _root (main) timeline, and define your textField Instance name “myTextField” (without the quotes).

h88 :bandit:

what he said. :slight_smile: