Foo Fighters

OK, I’ve loaded it. :slight_smile:

'bout time n’all :slight_smile:

the foos rock dave grohl is GODLY, the colour and the shape truly is their best album i love Hero, monkeywrench and everlong hell i love the whole album theres not 1 song in that lp that i dont like lol, their new cd is good i like a few songs except that hillbilly song around the end lol

ANd i truly love their videos the should be comedians, i still remember the first time i saw the video where his hand grows really big and he starts slapping his B!tch around oh man i almost peed in my pants, and also the footos video that cracked me up to as well as teh plane video, they are truly great musicians and artists and very original like i said Dave Grohl is GODLY

All hail Dave

haha, yeah, they make great videos too.

foo fighters are quite ok, i think they are passing by at a music festival here in belgium at the end of the summer. So i’ll probably be watching them while lying on my lazy behind sometime this summer. :slight_smile: festivals rock!

You’re a very lucky lady pinx. :slight_smile:

Slane is on here in August. Its a one day music thing.
The lineup being:
PJ harvey
Queens of the Stone Age
Foo Fighters
Red Hot Chilli Peppres headlining.

I’m going. Its going to be fantastic. If only the queens were headlining, it would be perfect, but still…

omg! I wanna see QotSA! SOOOOOOOOO badly!

I am going to see QotSA. :slight_smile: And dave grohl will definatly be there. I can’t see him not coming out for a few songs…

I’m jealous. :slight_smile:

QotSA are ok, it’s the band i saw live the most times. they will come to werchter again this year i think, maybe i’ll go see em again when there is nothing else worth looking :slight_smile:

one of my favourite fooies songs is definitely Stacked Actors :thumb: it has this awesome beat and just rocks :slight_smile: i saw them at this year’s Big Day Out woooooooo but they aren’t the best live band out there…


*Originally posted by Pierce Gleeson *
**I am going to see QotSA. :slight_smile: And dave grohl will definatly be there. I can’t see him not coming out for a few songs… **
daaaamn you! daaaaaaamn you! :wink:

hah! but did you see Foo Fighters do a double drum intro with Dave on one set at Brixton Academy? Didya? Didya!?! no! I didn’t THINK so!

(sorry, I couldn’t fight back with anything else ;))

Yeah well… <b>Thinks of something to top all of this</b>

I bet none of you have kissed Kelly Jones. :stuck_out_tongue:



( j/k :beam: )

Its all in the past folks. Slane is in the future. Which means it’s better. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Yeah well… <b>Thinks of something to top all of this</b>

I bet none of you have kissed Kelly Jones. :stuck_out_tongue: **

nope :slight_smile:

last sunday we did have a chat with the 2nd guitar player and the singer from sirenia :thumb: … if anyone knows them :slight_smile:

Recently I shouted obscenities at The Four of Us… You probably don’t know who they are. They’re Irish. And bad…

that Slane line-up are also playing at on Glasgow Green around the same time, can’t wait for that.

I saw QotSA when they played with RHCP in Omaha, and I wasn’t that impressed, I like QotSA and I like their new album. They just didn’t sound that good to me.

On a side note:
Foo Fighters last night was awesome. They played a long set, somewhere around 2 hours. Even if they didn’t play their encore, which they did play, I would have still loved the show. They ended their first set with “This is a Call” and they ended their encore with “Everlong.” I love it when they save a couple of their rockingest songs for last.

Oh yeah, Pete Yorn opened, and he was “yawn” boring. I think his music is alright but its not something I am going to rock out too.