Foo Fighters


Argh! Jealousy! :slight_smile:

curse you and your Foo Fighter seeing ways. CURSE YOU!!!

(i wanna go ;( )

I love the Foo Fighters… Monkey Wrench is just such a cool song. :slight_smile:

I’ve always been partial to Everlong, The Color and The Shape, is great album, as a matter of fact I am listening to the foo fighters right now, their first album.

Humbug. Colour And The Shape is good, definitely.

I did go out at lunch and buy the new Stereophonics album though. :slight_smile:

Gah! stereophonics. Dont like them - i find their music dull.

sorry kit!

But Kelly Jones is God. :slight_smile:

They went a bit weird with their previous album I will admit. The first two were great.

i saw them when they were in my area. they’re probably the best band live that i’ve seen. i even got a guitar pick from them. nothing else could’ve topped off that night, unless i met the band or something.

I’ve done that. :beam:

yeah, it was their last album that put me off them. oh well, i might listen to the new one.

argh, you met the band??!?

Yep. :slight_smile:

It was last year, when I was working at riverside Studios in Hammersmith. They filmed Top of the Pops in the same building every week, and I got to know a couple of the guys working on the program (after one tried to chat me up in the bar). Anyway, they always used to tell me who was on each week, and when they said the 'Phonics, I asked if they could get me in to meet them, in exchange for several pints.

They did. :slight_smile: I got to meet all three of them, had a kiss from each, and got their autographs. Then I watched them rehearsed. :beam:

That was such a cool day. :slight_smile:

you are one lucky gal ;). i live in dave grohl’s hometown and i haven’t even gotten that close to him.

I saw Foo Fighters at Brixton (Nothing Left to Lose Tour). Omg, they were sooooooooooooooo good! (btw, The Colour & The Shape is undeniably their best album… there’s no two ways about it)


I bet they rock live. :slight_smile:

I’ve seen Stereophonics live at Wembley, Echobelly a couple of times, Placebo, Shed Seven… Plus a whole load of others at TotP when they were filming. Oh, and Enimem and D12. :beam:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**I bet they rock live. :slight_smile:

I’ve seen Stereophonics live at Wembley, Echobelly a couple of times, Placebo, Shed Seven… Plus a whole load of others at TotP when they were filming. Oh, and Enimem and D12. :beam: **
they’re ****ing brilliant! really reeeeeally good :thumb:

I’ve seen Bush, Foo Fighters, Turin Brakes, Radiohead - and they were all amazing! w00t! Oooh. you’ve seen placebo! I’d love to go see them - have you heard the new album kit? tis cool ;]

btw, get in MSN girl :wink:

Of course I have the new album! They are absolutely incredible live. Brian Molko is just great, he really is, such an amazing voice. And he sang ‘My Sweet Prince’ as well, which is beautiful. :slight_smile:

I saw My Vitriol live as well, they were excellent

I’m going to see Placebo again at Folkestone when they reschedule. :beam: Dunno if there’s any tickets left for it, but if you get the chance to see them, do. :slight_smile:

OK, give me a mo… Do you know my username for it?

yes, I’ve pm’ed you about it a few days ago… what was that thread… ‘memory like a sieve’?


foofighters kick ars. everlong is my favorite song.