
Awesome, man!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

i know not of this little pill, but i have been to this state of ā€œecstacyā€ you speak of. and it feels like taking a shower on a muddy dayā€¦yesā€¦mudā€¦dayā€¦

yeah a tut would rock!

i think thats shape tween isnt it?

and btw,

i think i need a footer :stuck_out_tongue:

Man, you guys are funny. Just keep adding new posts to cross the 1,200 mark :evil:

So when is the Flash footer contest going to be put up?

Getting back to the original thread here, Eilsoe, you have made me two adorable footers. :slight_smile:

I dunno about a footer contest, but Iā€™d like to see an animation / cartoon style one. I might stand a chance in that. :slight_smile:

There. I managed to post a reply to this topic that didnā€™t include the words ass or anal probe.



i hate class.
panama canal.
government probeā€¦goddamit.

So Phil, why dont you use it?!lol


(one post till 200! and i did it in like 2 weeks, not even! so 100 in that little time! WoW!:beam: :beam: :!: :crazy: 8] )

Actually phil, I WAS thinking about remaking the footerā€¦

If I get bored that is :P:P

I get bored oftenā€¦ soā€¦ :slight_smile:

I made a new footer, what do ya think?

I like fishies, so i thought hey show off my little actionscripting that i can do and show fish hehe =)

Let me know what you think. =) thanks!!

oh and sigh i couldnt get it smaller than 7kā€¦ dont know what im gonna doā€¦ lol =)

Iā€™m gonna eat you little fishiesā€¦



NO! Theyā€™re cute! lol

Well ok, eat the big oneā€¦ im hungry too. =)


Alrighty guys, i made some modifications to my footer,

It was 7k, but now its 14 (because i added an easteregg =) hehe

Hope you enjoy my footer, it was fun coding it =)
Check it out!!


You canā€™t catch any fishies???

An absolute KILLER footer Raydred!! :P:P

Iā€™m impressed :slight_smile:

Now, what fps is being used here? I think itā€™s a little choppyā€¦

Very nice footer indeedā€¦ But why donā€™t you keep your good ideas for the contest? :slight_smile:


LOL here is a shot of my screensaverā€¦

Gotta love the easter eggā€¦

I love fishies tooā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue: much better than chickenā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh come on pom :slight_smile: I wouldnā€™t be so mean to tell each of you to create NEW footers. If you already have a great footer, you can submit that in as well. No need in stressing yourself over creating another whole new footer just for a competition. I have not yet decided on when to start the competition thoughā€¦so relax and enjoy the fresh airā€¦around our comps with Flash displayed :slight_smile:

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey raydred. Nice Footer.:slight_smile:
Quick question. How do have the fish resume the random motion after the mouse click. I asume you have the fish on a random motion and when you click they go to the mouseā€™s x y location. But how do you make the fish resume there random motion?

Yea Rev, but does your screen saver move?! oh yeaā€¦ it does. hehe

Well i couldnt quite figure that part out at first, i mean inside the MC i tryed to select a new location once the value of _x matched the endx. Well i couldnt do it, iā€™d go and stop =) so i decided to make a blank mc, and about 60 frames in it sets the random value for the endx for the fish(endx is my var for the destination) So when it hits frame 60 it automatically resumes and goes there, regardless of if you clicked or not =)

Iā€™ll clean up my code and Fla and lighten it, and show you guys, or better yet, iā€™ll make a tutorial =)

eilose how did you get the glow to the blobe? just outter glow?