For loop not cycling thru for xml

hello all, i’ve got a ‘for loop’ attaching a movieclip and for each iteration i’m also creating a textfield. the loop is creating the correct number of MC’s and the correct number of textfields (just one per) in those MC’s. my problems is getting the xml data into those txtfields. the data only shows up in the first textfield…all the others(the number varies) are ‘undefined’…

for (var z = 0; z < bldgFacts; z++){ // start looping through xml
  var item_mc = _root.swaps.facts_holder.attachMovie("facts","facts"+item_count, item_count);
   item_mc._y = item_count * item_spacing;
   item_mc["factstxt"+z].text = seasArts.firstChild.childNodes[n].childNodes[2].firstChild.childNodes[z].nodeValue;

here is a snippet of my xml file…

   <title>The Hardeman House</title>
      <fact_one>1111</fact_one>      <--- the data i'm trying to access!
      <fact_two>2222</fact_two>      <--- the data i'm trying to access!
      <fact_three>3333</fact_three>  <--- the data i'm trying to access!
      <fact_four>4444</fact_four>      <--- the data i'm trying to access!

any ideas? it seems like i’ve traced everything and it all looks correct, but obviously it ain’t :wink: thanks!