Hi all!
I have this code which attach a movieclip and appends values to it.
I have a problem with the following line in bold red. It returns allways the last value from the xml file (allways the last id).
Thanks in advance.
var gamesData:XML = new XML();
gamesData.ignoreWhite = true;
gamesData.onLoad = function(bSuccess:Boolean):Void {
if (bSuccess) {
var xmlNode = this.firstChild.childNodes;
var spacing = 210;
var xPos = 0;
var yPos = 0;
for (var i = 0; i<xmlNode.length; i++) {
var pictureLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
[COLOR=Red]**var id = xmlNode*.attributes.id;**[/COLOR]
gHolder.attachMovie("game", "gameHolder"+i, gHolder.getNextHighestDepth());
gHolder["gameHolder"+i]._x = (i%3)*spacing;
gHolder["gameHolder"+i]._y = Math.floor(i/3)*90;
pictureLoader.loadClip(xmlNode*.attributes.img, gHolder["gameHolder"+i].picture);
gHolder["gameHolder"+i].gametitle.text = xmlNode*.attributes.gamestitle;
gHolder["gameHolder"+i].gamedesc.text = xmlNode*.attributes.desc;
[COLOR=Red]**gHolder["gameHolder"+i].onRelease = function() {
getURL("games.php?id="+id+"", "_blank", "POST");
} else {
and the xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<game img="images/games/eikona1.jpg" gamestitle="dokimi" desc="ayto einai mia dokimi" id="1" />
<game img="images/games/eikona1.jpg" gamestitle="dokimi" desc="ayto einai mia dokimi" id="2" />
<game img="images/games/eikona1.jpg" gamestitle="dokimi" desc="ayto einai mia dokimi" id="3" />
<game img="images/games/eikona1.jpg" gamestitle="dokimi" desc="ayto einai mia dokimi" id="4" />
<game img="images/games/eikona1.jpg" gamestitle="dokimi" desc="ayto einai mia dokimi" id="5" />
<game img="images/games/eikona1.jpg" gamestitle="dokimi" desc="ayto einai mia dokimi" id="6" />
<game img="images/games/eikona1.jpg" gamestitle="dokimi" desc="ayto einai mia dokimi" id="7" />
<game img="images/games/eikona1.jpg" gamestitle="dokimi" desc="ayto einai mia dokimi" id="8" />
<game img="images/games/eikona1.jpg" gamestitle="dokimi" desc="ayto einai mia dokimi" id="9" />