For people just Starting Flash Look Here

I’m trying to get together a little group of flash developers to develop an awesome site with me. All I’ve got now is myself, a designer, and a extremely part-time artist. There’s no real place to go to or anything, you’d just work from home. We’d have some forums where we could talk amognst ourselves and such.

Note: I ask mostly for newbies and new programmers mostly because

  1. There’s no pay, if we can get enough traffic then we’d get paid, but for that we need more people, hence more flash, which turns into more developers.
  2. It’d be a good starting place for new programmers because they can see how well their games are doing and they can get people to notice them… maybe.

We’re just looking for anyone, it doesn’t matter your skill level, and there is a chance you might get paid (after a few months with at least 2-3 dedicated flash programmers).

Hi I’d be interested in this. I’ve been using Flash for a bit but I’m still a bit of a amature but have done a few sites in Flash. P.M me or send me and email.

count me in.

MSN: maharzan at hotmail dot com


i am also intersted in this project. i hv few experience with flash and i wanna implement my knowledge in this project.

with regards

I’m interested, but i don’t do games…:slight_smile:

I’ll join for free! I have all studio 8, and all the adobe stuf! im not the best at flash but i can use AS, and i am very good at making photoshop art! e-mail = , Pm me or e-mail me or MSN me

sounds like a good idea;

i know my way around photoshop, illustrator, flash, dreamweaver, director. not amazing or anything but i know the packages.

give me a shout at hkl_ ‘at’ goowy ‘dot’ com

any odd jobs left?

I can join In buddy… Been using flash since Flash 4 days. Its a real good Idea

I’m in, been using flash for 3 years, photoshop for 6, and swift 3d for a month.