FOR THORIPHES re: random letter cycling

Yesterday i used you first version of random letter cycling and adjusted it for numbers and made it dynamic by making it a smartclip. I did not completely finish it until i saw your version 2.0. I used it and my letters randomly show but they won’t stop. I looked at the script for a couple of hours now but i cannot find why it does not stop.\r\rIt is somewhere in this piece of coding:\ronClipEvent (enterFrame) {\r if (cycle) {\r if (this.letter == endLetter) {\r cycle = false;\r } else {\r this.letter = _root.alphabet.charAt(random(_root.alphabet.length));\r }\r }\rProbably if (this.letter == endLetter) does not work. I tried _parent(“let” + x).endLetter but that did not work either.\rCould you take a look why it does not work?\r\rThanks!!!\rDorine

ok, i think it may be a problem in your load clipevent, unless you copied the script directly from mine. what this script does is copy the dynamic text movieclip and assigns it a letter (endLetter), then the enterFrame goes through each letter in that line of letters (_root.alphabet) and once it gets to the assigned letter, it stops, cycle becomes false. if you changed anything in the script, can you post if for me to look at? thanks.

I used the wrong brackets…i used (). Oops, i didn’t even know there was a difference.\r\rThanx for your reply and for the great tutorial. Maybe i will make it more flexible by using parameters (smartclip) but for now it works very smooth!!\r\rThanx again!!!

i’d really appreciate it if you made it a smartclip, cause first off, i really don’t know how to work smart clips, and second, i appreciate you taking your time to work off of my tutorial.

And what’s a smart clip anyway ?\rpom 0]

Smartclips make some movies customizable, such as mine. with Smartclips, you can change elements in the movie (only within the fla, not when it’s produced, swf format) to fit your needs. for example, in my movieclip, i use “thoriphes” as the example for the random letter cycling, with smartclips, you can change that to whatever you want by simply inputting it in a text box provided by a Smartclip. the SC will automatically change the necessary script.

Why can’t i use it more then 1 time in a movieWhy can’t i use it more then 1 time in a movieWhy can’t i use it more then 1 time in a movieWhy can’t i use it more then 1 time in a movieWhy can’t i use it more then 1 time in a movieWhy can’t i use it more then 1 time in a movieWhy can’t i use it more then 1 time in a movieWhy can’t i use it more then 1 time in a movie

Course you can. Put everything in a movie clip, and make it loop for instance.\r\rpom 0]