How do you change the coordinates of a bitmap data object? IE, not the holder that is displaying the BMD, but the BMD itself.
I have an example here, 3 bitmap data objects, with their holders lined up next to each other on the stage, now I want to be able to draw on each one individually, with the same drawing MC. However, the drawing MC simply draws on all 3 simultaneously.
What can I do on this test to get all 3 bitmap datas to draw when the mouse is over them, BUT, with the same drawing MC, not 3 seperate ones.
looked at your code - not quite sure I understand what you’re asking. But, when you trigger a BitmapData.draw - you can pass a matrix object to determine what gets drawn to that bitmap data. The matrix has offsets for x,y position. So, for example, on your middle square, when drawing to that area, you can pass the draw method a matrix saying where you want the bitmapdata to draw from. Hard to explain, but, look in hte help files - bitmapdata.draw… you should be able to link through to see how you need to set up a matrix object that gets passes as the second paramenter or the draw method.
HOpe this helps.
Creatify, yes I think that is what I want.
Essentially in this basic example, I want the squares to be drawn on as you’d logically expect, when the mouse is over them. However, what actually happens is drawing on the first 300 pixels of the stage, draws all 3 bitmaps.
What I need to do is offset where the BMD starts drawing from, I’ll look into matrix, I haven’t needed it thus far.
yeah, you should find some samples… senocular has some info on his site about the matrix objects. and yes, you’re correct, basically, on the middle and right squares - you’ll draw the dots with an offset that is equal to those squares _x positions.