Force SWF into right X & Y Position


Im trying to figure out how to force a SWF from Top left corner to the correct position…
I wonder if it goes off because this script Im using is used on another MC? Two same scripts conflicting each other? Im just guessing here.
This is the SCRIPT im using to load the SWF:

 myPlayer.visible = false;
loadMovieNum("Pano360.swf", 1); 
_root.onEnterFrame = function(){ 
_level1._x = 5; 
_level1._y = 107; 
_root.onEnterFrame = null; 

This script from this entire SCRIPT

var myPlayer = attachMovie("FLVPlayback", "myPlayer", 0); 
var listenerObject:Object = new Object(); 
listenerObject.complete = function(eventObject:Object):Void { 
    trace("Elapsed play time at completion is: " + myPlayer.playheadTime); 
 myPlayer.visible = false;
loadMovieNum("Pano360.swf", 1); 
_root.onEnterFrame = function(){ 
_level1._x = 5; 
_level1._y = 107; 
_root.onEnterFrame = null; 
myPlayer.addEventListener("complete", listenerObject); 
myPlayer.contentPath = "flvs/PH2a_PH3.flv"; 
  myPlayer.setSize(740, 510); 
    myPlayer._x= -270;
  myPlayer._y= -169.5;