Form Mail

Hey, my form mail is not working…I made the script executable and I have it in CHMOD Mode…

Now, on my button that I have the load variables action on , do I have to list what variables I want loaded with the form? Or will Flash know to load only the variables in the movie clip that my mailform is in?

In any case, can someone describe what I need to do? Thanks…

Kidd Flash

what did you chmod it to and did you tranfer it in ascii or binary?

it’s on CHMOD 755…it’s a script from matt’s Archive…do I need to list the variables on the perl script that I want to receive the values of? In other words do I need to lsit all my form mail variables like Name subject on the perl script, or when I load the variables from the form, the perl script will receive all variables and values from the timeline that the submit button is on?


Lots of people use matt’s
yes to all, but if I remeber right the script has great comments on what to do, if you are new to perl the most common probs are absolute path and sendmail and you need to know where the perl is on the server, if you know unix use the whereis.
In flash its easier than html. Just make sure you use the same variables and check the send variables box. Like I said, I have a great quick and dirty fix for that in perl if you want it.

yeah, I could use whatever you got on perl to get my form working properly. The comments in the Matt scripts don’t mention whether or not I have to list the variables of the variable of my mail form on the perl script…I followed the instructions to no avail. I’ll appreciate whatever you can offer…
Kidd Flash

ok no problem
but first you need to find out two things:

  1. The command line for perl
  2. The command line for your sendmail program

Get this from your domian service provider ask them directly!
and I will write the perl code for you

Here is the path to Perl:

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT

Here is the path to the mail program:

$mailprog = ‘/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t’;

I appreciate any help…

here it is

Hey Flashers, I’m not getting my perl script, or cgi script to work. For some reason the server-side scripts are not catching the form or e-mailing the form to my address. Here are my codes:

On the time line of the form, I have these codes:

function SendTheForm (mailerMC){

SendMail = new LoadVars ();
SendMail.attn = mailerMC.attn.text;
SendMail.from = mailerMC.from.text;

SendMail.onLoad = function (success) {
if (success) {
response=“Your message was delivered”;
response =“Delivery failed; please try again or send your more conventionally”;

Now, on your button, I have this code:

myButton.onRelease = function () {
SendMail.send(“”, SendMail, “POST”) ;

Now, my problem is the script…everyone I use, perl or cgi, is not working…can I get any further assistance…thanx in advance.

by the way…special thanks to rynoe for his aid.

No problem! was a pleasure!

By the way my friend, perl can be a major beeawwch…

That’s way everyone loves php so much, but if you get past that first hurdle, unix loves perl!