i have a few small form questions answer any that you know how to.
first question:
what is the coding to insert into the “input” tag to make a text box change colors when somone types in it?
second question:
how do you make it so you can’t submit a form unless you have entered something into a particular text box? for intance, i want to make a certain text box required so that if you don’t enter something it won’t submit the form.
last question:
I am trying to make a form that will submit the information in an email to me. however, it has been a while since i messed with and web design stuff, and i noticed that doing “form method=“post” action=mailto:myemail@mydomain.com <FORM ACTION="mailto:myemailadress@mydomain.com” METHOd=“post”>no longer works in IE. (a blank email with the address pops up, i am sure you know what i mean)
so now the question is, how can i make it so my form is submited to my email? i would like to go with the most simple route if possible.
MANY MANY THANKS for taking the time to help me. i should probably just get JS book, but i don’t really have the money.