I got a problem. My form Validation isn’t working. Actually to be more accurate, the chEmail function works but I also need Flash to check the input fields “first” and “last” to make sure something is entered in there? Am I missing something here or done something wrong? Thanks peeps
Here’s the code related to the validation
function ckName(){
if (formData.first == “”){
errBox.setMessage(“Oop’s, you forgot to fill in your first name”);
return false; }
else {
return true};
function ckName(){
if (formData.last == “”){
errBox.setMessage(“Oop’s, you forgot to fill in your last name”);
return false; }
else {
return true};
function ckEmail(){
if(formData.submit_by == “”){
errBox.setMessage(“You Must Fill In Your Email Address”);
return false;}
if(formData.submit_by.indexOf(".",0)==-1 || formData.submit_by.indexOf("@",0)==-1){
errBox.setMessage(“Your Email Address Is Not In Correct Form”);
return false;}
return true;}