Format dynamically loaded text

Hi there,

I want to format my dynamically loaded text like this:

text <a space here> more text
text <a space here> more text
text <a space here> more text

basically I want to ‘tab’ the text to align it in a text box.

I use HTML in my text file, but can’t think of a way of creating this ‘tab’ or spacing format.

any ideas gurus?

A tab in HTML is denoted with: &nbsp;&nbsp;&n**bsp; so you could put in your textfile;

some text &nbs**p;&**nbsp;&**nbsp; some more text. Not sure if it’ll work, ive never tried it, i’m just thinking it might.


Fixed your tags, V :wink:

fixed my tags?

I’m having a somewhat related issue… I’m trying to dynamically load some text with HTML formatting into an MC that’s loaded into another MC.

When I test the first MC, everything looks fine, but when I test the main MC (with the first MC loading in), I don’t see anything. All fonts are embedded and the targeting is on point… anyone have any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

*Originally posted by kO2n *
**fixed my tags? **

You type &nb**sp; , but it got rendered to a space, so I fixed it. That way, w digital can read it :smiley:

aahhhh thank you

Daedeuls i had the same problem, dont embed the fonts. its really weird, i think its a bug or something, cos the text i had appearing were meant to be links and when you roll the mouse over the cursor would change even though you couldnt see the text!!

hmmm… interesting. will try that when I get home… thx k!