Format question

I’m making a presentation in flash with the arrow keys as navigation. I will later have to add a menu with buttons for the navigation. I have it set up by section in my .fla. I have an intro in the main timeline for about 30 seconds. After that, it stops at the last frame of the intro. On that frame, I have action script to then play a movie clip when the arrow key is pressed. Here is the code I used:

this.onKeyDown = function() {
if (Key.getCode() == (Key.RIGHT)) {

Each section of the presentation has it’s own movie clip that is accessed with the same script above. I have the AS for the Left arrow key at the end of each movie clip. Each movie clip is in the main timeline at different frames. The actions are on their own layer in different frames to call on the correct movie clip.

I have a feeling there is an easier way to arrange this project. Any suggestions? Could I do each section of the presentation in the main timeline and use frame labels. Then use the AS to go to a certain label when the arrow is pressed?