Formatting an RSS feed date for Flash

I’m attempting to make an RSS feed for my new site’s news, and i’ve looked online at adding a date stamp but i guess you have to make a new namespace or whatever and it confuses me to shambles when i try to read all that. so i have my current rss file as so:

<rss version="2.0">
		<title> News</title>
		<description>The news from the portfolio of Matthew Przybylski.</description>
		<copyright>Copyright 2005, Matt Przybylski</copyright>
			<title>Test Post 1</title>
		    <description>I updated my portfolio.  Check it out!</description>
			<pubDate>Sun, 26 Jun 2005 12:16:00 GMT</pubDate>

Anyway, this isn’t very friendly to read the date, as seen in the <item> tag. i need to output the date to flash in the form of 6-26-05. how would i go about doing that from the pubDate in the item?