Formatting dynamic textfield with CSS - problem

Ok, so I have a dynamic textfield and I have css applied to it, it works fine.
HOWEVER, when I add some styles (some margin) it’s ignoring them! agh.

[AS]var newStyle:TextField.StyleSheet = new TextField.StyleSheet();
newStyle.setStyle(“a:link”, {color: ‘#BED57B’, fontWeight: ‘bold’});
newStyle.setStyle(“a:hover”, {color: ‘#F09A61’});
newStyle.setStyle(".images", {marginRight: ‘60’});
newStyle.setStyle(".mytest", {marginLeft: ‘100’});
pro_text.styleSheet = newStyle;[/AS]

[AS]pro_text.htmlText = “<img src=‘images/1-overview.png’ class=‘images’ hspace=‘0’ vspace=‘3’/><p class=‘mytest’>This is a test paragraph.<br/></p><p>And another test paragraph here.<br/></p><p><a href=‘pdfs/mypdf.pdf’>My Test PDF</a> (pdf)</p>”;[/AS]

Any ideas?